Upcoming Events
Chapter News
OSHA Heat Illness PreventionSeptember 7, 2021
Donald Martin Receives 40 Year Membership Longevity Award
May 21, 2020
WISE Mentoring Program
August 19, 2015
The North Florida Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals was chartered in 1952 and currently has more than 150 members. Professional meetings are held nine times per year in the Jacksonville area. Meeting notices are distributed and RSVP’s are returned by email. If you are a member of ASSP and are not receiving notices by email, please email the Secretary.
Meeting Fees
There is no charge for the virtual meetings however, if you are in a position to make a payment of the normal meeting fee via PayPal, it is appreciated. The North Florida Chapter proceeds annually go to:
- ASSP Scholarship fund – $1k to $3k per year.
- Membership in NE Florida Safety Council $500 to $1k per year.
- Sending chapter members to ASSP Leadership Training $1k to $2k per year.
- Sending chapter President or President Elect to required regional meetings – $500 to $1k per year.
- Food for meetings (when they are in-person) – $200 to $275 per meeting.
If you are not able to pay, it is important that you continue to attend anyway. There is an ASSP national program in-place to help members in certain situations pay their annual dues if they are unable to. Contact Dan Hempsall, Chapter President or another chapter leader for details.