Chapter Officers

The ASSP North Florida Chapter is located in Jacksonville, Florida of Region IV, and the Chapter’s geographical area is defined as follows:

The geographical jurisdiction of the North Florida Chapter shall be the area bounded to the East by the Atlantic Ocean, the North by the northern borders of the following Counties situated in the State of Georgia: Camden, Charlton, Ware, Clinch, Lanier and Lowndes; to the West by the western border of Lowndes County to the point of intersection with the Florida State line, thence west to and by the Apalachicola River, and to the South by the Gulf of Mexico and the southern borders of Flagler, Putnam, Marion and Levy Counties, State of Florida.

Mission Statement

The purpose of this Chapter will be to promote the advancement of the safety profession and safety professionals.


  1. To develop and/or promote educational programs for obtaining the knowledge required to perform the functions of the safety professional.
  2. To develop and/or disseminate locally, information and materials that will carry out the purposes of the Chapter, the Society, and serve the public.
  3. To provide and/or support forums for the interchange and acquisition of professional knowledge among its members.
  4. To foster liaison with local organizations and related disciplines.
  5. To inaugurate and implement such other programs and projects that are consistent with the purposes of the Chapter and the Society.
  6. To conduct its affairs in a manner that will reflect the standards,purposes and objectives of the Society.

Chapter Officers

Use the Contact Us page to email the chapter leadership team.

  • President
    Stephen Brown
  • Vice President
    Phillip Baker
  • Treasurer
    Dan Hempsall
  • Secretary
    Steven Wilson, CSP
  • Membership
    Kelly Lawless
  • Newsletter
    Allen Davis
  • Programs
    Mark Gibson
  • Social Media
    Jovan Lora
  • SPY Chair
    Curtis Stothers
  • Advisory Group
    Steven Kimbell
  • Advisory Group
    Paul Thomas
  • Past President
    Dan Hempsall